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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Trust and Handwriting Analysis

One of the things most often asked about handwriting analysis is how to tell if someone is trustworthy. Honesty is the most obvious component of trust, but there are several others.

Honesty involves having no loops or hooks in the circle letters, a, o, or the circle parts of d and g.

But it is also necessary to take into account whether or not the writer is so implusive as to act without thinking, and, perhaps, regret it later. Strong emotional impulsive behavior is indicated by a very far right slant. The writer gets caught up in the moment and doesnt' think about what s/he is doing till afterwards.

Someone who rushes through life not really thinking things through, regardless of the slant of their writing, can often do things that make others wonder about them. It is another form of thoughtlessness, and can be identified by writing that has no real form, just a unformed scrawl. (Note: those who write their signatures many times a day may develop this type of signature for speed: their regular writing had to be seen to identify the trait of not thinking things through.)

A widely varied slant within the same line or paragraph of writing indicates emotions that are all over the place. Again, it can result in behavior that is not stable or reliable.
Wondering you can trust someone in a relationship?...

Just have a signature to look at?...

Free article on honesty in handwriting...


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    Handwriting analysis

  2. Graphology, also called handwriting analysis is a well-researched and validated system of analysis to determine the character of an individual through the study of the strokes of handwriting. Wherever personality is important Graphology has a role to play. Mr. Pradeep K.U is one of leading graphologist in Bangalore.
    Handwriting Analysis
