Do you have a Question about Handwriting Analysis?

Send your question, along with a scan of the handwriting or a detailed description, to:

Friday, January 30, 2009

Handwriting analysis and Geneaology

Handwriting analysis can be of use to Genealogists in 2 ways:

1. When there are letters and documents written many years ago, and the genealogist wants to know more about what type of person was the writer.

The handwriting gives a complete personality picture, so with a page or so of writing it is possible to get to know the personality of the writer very well indeed.

2. When there are old records and it is of interest to know if the same person made several different entries.

In this case analyzing the handwriting can tell how many different people made entries in the records.

With a reasonable extensive entry in records, it can even be possible to match up the writer of the record entry with the writer of a letter or other document.

Genealogy is often pursued as a hobby, and for those who do this, learning more about handwriting analysis can be a bonus.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Help with Hiring the Right Person

Handwriting analysis shows the complete personality. If focuses on the "soft" skills (those difficult to measure because you can't see, feel or touch them. For example, communication skills or organizational ability)

In Europe approximately 90% of employers use graphology as a tool in the hiring process. In Israel it is unusual for anyone to get hired without having their handwriting analyzed.

For example, are you looking for someone who is very outgoing and chatty, say a sales person or customer service representative? Then you want right slanted writing and open circle letters (a, o, and g)

Or is it a computer programmer you want, who will quietly sit at the computer and get on with his or her work? In that case, you want small writing, with i-dots close to the top of the i-stem, and preferably upright or even slightly left slanted writing.

Hiring the Right Person the First Time: What you really want to know about your job applicants makes handwriting analysis a tool available to help you with your hiring.

Read it all, or just zero in on the qualities and personality traits you are seeking.

It can save time, money and frustration by helping you hire the right person the first time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Procrastination. Do you have it? Do you put of till tomorrow everything you don't absolutely have to do today?

It's a common habit. But not all procrastination is procrastination, by which I mean that there can be many other reasons for putting things off.

Some of them are:
-- fear of success
-- fear of failure
-- insecurity
-- lack of self confidence
-- too much caution
-- laziness
-- stubbornness
-- self deceit

Procrastination itself is described by as:
1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
–verb (used with object)
2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.

This trait is easily identified in handwriting.

When someone places the t-bar to the left of the lower case "t", not touching or crossing it, this is the trait of procrastination. Look for it - it's probably in writing you have looked at often, but never noticed the t-bar before.

If you feel you procrastinate, or know someone who appears to do so, but there is no procrastination in the t-bars, then it's time to look for other causes.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Do you have a Question about Handwriting Analysis?

Send me your questions, with either a scan of the handwriting or a detailed description, and I will answer them on this blog regularly.

E-mail your questions to:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Writing Style and Handwriting Analysis

Whenever I give a talk on handwriting analysis, I always have someone tell me they and their sister/ mother/ friend write exactly the same way.

What they are talking about is the writing style. People who learn to write in the same environment usually have a similar writing style, unless they have deliberately changed it.

However, that does not mean they the same personality, and it does not mean that, when analyzed, their writing will tell the same personality traits.

Handwriting analysis looks at the placement of the writing on the page, the size, the pressure etc. It also looks at the strokes within the writing. The writing style may be similar, but the placement, size etc. and the strokes may well be very different.

So when you look at writing, thinking of handwriting analysis, be aware that the superficial style is just that - superficial. It in now way alters the ability of the science of graphology to bring out the entire personality of the writer.

Learn to analyze handwriting yourself.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome to the Handwriting Analysis Blog

I have been writing about Handwriting Analysis for many years, and have at last decided to write a blog on the topic.

So welcome to the Handwriting Analysis Blog.

I hope to give you some useful tips, some unexpected insights, and some food for thought through my posts here.

In the meantime, until my list of posts grows more, here are some free articles I have previously written on the fascinating topic of handwriting analysis.
